TheFootNotes.org is one of the brainchildren of Michael Sean Piper-- artist, game designer and self-described "funky, reDUMBdent manchild who has a flair for the pen, and sometimes draws with one".  Some of Michael's other artistic offspring-- FootNotes' siblings, if you will-- include the TwinGeekz Artz Project, TenThirtyTwo.com, and Myron.  For links to his sites and others, please visit our Links page. 

    FootNotes began as a simple concept: a rendering of two sets of feet in the grass (like two friends lying side-by-side) above which anyone can add voice balloons, thought bubbles, or draw pictures... whatever one wants to do to create his or her own unique "FootNote".  The cards were designed to be disseminated across the globe with the hope that some of them will find their way home.  That's where YOU come in.  The core of the concept is set, but there is no limit other than your imagination to the ways in which you can express yourself within that framework!

    Recently, we officially "launched" our project at a Post Secret event at Pinkerton Academy in Derry, NH.  Many thanks to Frank Warren of Post Secret not only for inspiring us, but also for allowing us to distribute footnotes postcards both at his book-signing table and in the lobby after the show.  We look forward to seeing how the audience members brave enough to take cards will have put their own mark on Mike's original cartoon. We also intend to shamelessly recruit our friends to help us distribute more postcards in coffeehouses, to friends, on street corners-- wherever their little hearts desire!  This site even has a downloadable pdf file of the FootNotes postcard which can be printed, completed, and returned-- as a jpeg of at least 200 dpi--  via e-mail.  Of course, if you are lucky enough to be in possession of one of the original postcards and are too cheap to spring for the (now exorbitantly expensive) 28 cents to return it to us, please feel free to scan and e-mail your comic instead.  

    Consider yourself a traditionalist and need the "real deal"?  Gotta have the feel of that "professionally printed" card in your hands?  Perhaps you'd like to become one of the "Shamelessly Recruited" we mentioned earlier.  Yes, you could be one of our "guerilla distributors"-- hitting up friends and family, as well as your local coffeehouses, game shops and other "art nerd" hangouts to convince people to mail their ideas to us.  We simply ask that you promise to get those postcards into the hands of as many people as possible-- people you think might really complete them and return them to us.  And be sure to send us your "FootNote", which you can then view right here along with the artistic offerings of many others.  If you're interested please e-mail us your postal mailing address and a brief explanation of why you'd make a great "guerilla distributor", and we will contact you via e-mail to work out the details.  The denizens of local book and comic shops, coffeehouses etc. are usually great supporters of artistic endeavors, and you can help us get our cards into the hands of those people actually inclined to send them back!  One local coffee shop-- The Village Perk in Meredith-- has been kind enough to act as our first "distributor", proudly displaying Mike's art and the FootNotes postcards in their establishment. Our contact information-- including both postal and electronic mailing addresses-- can be found via the "Contact Information" link in the Menu Bar on the main page.

    Postcards returned to us will be uploaded to the site as they are received-- and as time allows-- so you'll be able to see your very own work right here at TheFootNotes.org, as well as the works of many other participants.  We want to see art from all over the world, people! So bring it ON!

...And thank you.